Bachelor in Accounting

Website S1 Akuntansi

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Dudi Pratomo, S.E.T., M.Ak., Ph.D.
Ketua Program Studi S1 Akuntansi
Tri Utami Lestari, SE., M.Ak
Sekretaris Program Studi S1 Akuntansi


Telkom University   View map



The Accounting Study Program officially operated in 2008 and has been accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education with an “A” rating. Even though it is classified as a new study program, the accounting study program has high enthusiasts with a significant increase in the number of students each year.

The learning process in the accounting study program does not only focus on classroom learning. Introduction to the world of work is also carried out through public lectures, company visits and internships which are routinely held every semester.

Accounting study program students are also equipped with additional competencies in the form of certification training:

  • Qualified Internal Auditor Basic Level I and II
  • Tax Brevet A and B
  • System Analysis and Program Development (SAP).

This certification training is the result of study program collaboration with the Internal Audit Education Foundation (YPIA), the Directorate General of Taxes Regional Office I West Java, and Edugate SAP as the official holder of a SAP license for education.

Accounting majors have always been highly targeted by many new students because they have “respectable” job prospects. Due to the great interest in this department, many universities have opened this study program. One of them is Telkom University, which has an S1 Accounting study program located at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB).

Expected General Skills

  • Able to compile accounting and operational information, budgeting, based on information and communication technology for business decision making.
  • Able to communicate effectively with stakeholders by utilizing the skills possessed in a professional manner.
  • Able to make appropriate managerial decisions based on analysis of conventional and sharia financial accounting information, management accounting, public sector accounting, audit results of accounting information systems and financial management.

Career Opportunities

  • Ability :
    • Able to apply tax planning and management for Individual Taxpayers, Entities and tax agencies in accordance with applicable tax regulations.
      • Able to identify, analyze conditions, risks and business prospects of the company, plan, implement and compile audit reports.
      • Able to conduct empirical studies and modeling using scientific methods in the fields of financial accounting, management accounting, public sector accounting, accounting information systems, auditing, information system auditing and financial management
    • Some opportunities for graduate students who have Bachelor of Accounting competencies:
      • Management Accountant
      • Tax Management
      • Junior Auditors
      • Internal Auditors
      • Accounting Information Systems Analyst