
International SME Week 2020

International UKM Week 20208-12 June 2020 UKM EXCELS, INDONESIA ADVANCED: Lessons from the crisis and preparations to face THE post-Normal Era The crisis due to the COVID-19 is still not passed. However, various preparations to post-normal conditions began. So, how do SMES perpetrators take action? ICSB Indonesia and the MarkPlus Institute presented the International UKM [...]
By Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis | News

100 Days Donation Program for Indonesia

Registration: Fill out the registration form online at at 12.00, one day before the scheduled execution. Admission fee Rp. 50,000 transferred to Account 168-0010-0062-1534 (BRI A.N. Jayaningrat Sari Rahmawati). This Short online training using the Zoom application, meeting ID and password will be informed to each participant at the same 15 minutes before the […]

By Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis | News

SEB in Response to Corona Virus Desease (COVID-19) Global Pandemic

Facing a pandemic Corona virus desease (COVID-19) that was determined by WHO on March 11, 2020, with this SEB issued several circular letters both faculty and university level, among others:

By Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis | News