Marketing Training & Distribution for SMES in Sukajadi district

On Wednesday, May 6, 2020, marketing and distribution training was held for the SME district of Sukajadi which followed by 15 (fifteen) participants who are small business entrepreneurs in Sukajadi district.  The participants are retail traders, food products makers such as Baso ACI, Cuanki, Mushroom abon, Rangginang, etc.

On that occasion the training is divided into 3 (three) sessions, namely: 1. Marketing in general delivered by Dr. Maya Ariyanti's mother, 2. The impact of Digital marketing delivered by Ibu Dinda Zuliestiana, SE., MM and 3. Distribution delivered by Mr. Ir. Soeparwoto, MM

At the time of pandemic Covid-19, the marketing and distribution of their products experienced obstacles. Inevitably, most people prefer to shop online. The products sold are trending products, but the business actors are experiencing obstacles in their marketing and distribution.

For that, the introduction of digital marketing and distribution for SME actors is important. They are very enthusiastic to trade online, although they have limitations especially in the use of gadgets. By working together among SMEs under the coordination of the Coordinator of UKM District of Sukajadi, and the education conducted by the team from FEB Telkom University, is expected to make traders can do brick and Click Store to increase revenues and services to customers in particular and community Bandung in general.