Targeting Training for MSMEs Jabar

This Targeting Training is a continuation of the Website Creation and Management Training that has been carried out in previous Abdimas activities. Still working with the Cooperative and Small Business Office of West Java Province (DISKUK Jabar) especially the Technical Implementation Unit of the Regional Education and Entrepreneurship Training (UPTD P3W), Abdimas is still targeting targeted MSMEs to be given training online in order to develop superior human resources competencies in the field of E-Commerce. Abdimas activity was conducted by lecturers of the Department of Business Management of Telecommunications and Informatics (MBTI) Faculty of Economics and Business, Namely Dr. Adhi Prasetio, Dr. Fetty Poerwita Sary, and Dr. Nidya Dudija. This community service activity is carried out as a form of solving solutions to the problem of ICT literacy in utilizing the internet for the purposes of product marketing. It is hoped that the digital marketing capabilities that they will get, can help them in selling their products to the market so that they can increase revenue and prosper MSMEs While targeting training is held on Friday, October 23, 2020 at 08.00-10.00 followed by approximately 25 participants. This activity was opened by the Head of The Cooperative and Small Business Office, Drs. Kusmana Hartadji, MM. Also present in this training is head of UPTD P3W, Dra. Tini Djumartini, Head of the training organizer section, Yuyun Tedjasumekar, widyaiswara and MSME engaged in various fields including food and beverages, batik, accessories, and shoes. For participants who participate in this activity will get facilities in the form of E-Certificate, Credit, and Materials. At the targeting training this time, with dr. Adhi Prasetio, participants will learn to do digital marketing stages on the Website namely determining the target market and conducting keyword research. Expected from this activity, SMES participants can develop their business to become more advanced and can realize human resources competent, productive, professional, and competitive in the era of globalization. For the future, this activity can continue to go well with the monitoring of MSME participants who have been training, or the provision of materials for new MSME participants.