Training and Assistance in Formulating Development Strategies for the Qur’anic Education House of the Izzatul Mu’minin Mosque
SDG 4, Quality Education, is one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) referred to by the Community Service (PkM) Team of Lecturers and Students of the Faculty of Business Economics Telkom University at the Izzatul Mu’minin Mosque (MIM). This mosque is located in Lembang District, precisely on Jl. Raya Lembang KM. 14 RT 03 / RW 08 Kabupaten Bandung Barat.
Masjid Makmur is the hope of administrators, worshipers and the community. The Masjid Izzatul Mu’minin (MIM) in Lembang has just been released from the challenge of stagnation in its management and prosperity. The new management came with a new vision to make MIM a prosperous mosque. Despite many hurdles, significant improvements were seen in various activities including Rumah Pendidikan Quran (RPQ). Currently, RPQ is performing very well with 50 students in a short period of time. However, there are many hurdles: human resources, finances and the lack of a development strategy. Based on these things, the purpose of this Community Service (PkM) is to support RPQ MIM so that it can develop sustainably.
PkM will be conducted from July-October 2024. The PkM team from FEB Telkom University (Tel-U) consists of lecturers and students chaired by Dr. Ir. Mohammad Riza Sutjipto, M.T. With lecturer members namely Dr. Ir. Rina Djunita Pasaribu, M.Sc. As well as members from students namely Khaulah Wardatul F and Rafa Maisa Shabira. Meanwhile, RPQ MIM as the target was represented by Mohamad Fadhian Budiman and Susantina.
The methods used were training and mentoring. Training on strategic management concepts, especially strategy formulation, followed by assistance in practicing the results of training with RPQ objects. PkM also made improvements to classroom facilities. The evaluation was conducted using interviews, observations and questionnaires.
The result of PkM is a new understanding or deepening for RPQ MIM teachers/managers about the concept of strategic management and experiential learning in the formulation of 10 RPQ development strategies with their priorities. PkM also resulted in the addition/repair of 2 blackboards and 30 children’s desks. Based on the evaluation, the PkM results have exceeded RPQ MIM’s expectations. Overall, the results of PkM were highly appreciated by the children’s students, parents, and community leaders.