Telkom University Master of Accounting Study Program Accreditation Field Visitation
On January 13-15, 2025, the Master of Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Telkom University successfully carried out a field assessment for accreditation conducted by LAMEMBA. LAMEMBA, or the Institute for Self-Accreditation of Business Management Economics and Accounting, is tasked with carrying out the accreditation process for study programs in Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting. It was founded on the initiative of the Indonesian Economists Association (ISEI), the Indonesian Accounting Association (IAI), and the Association of Indonesian Faculties of Economics and Business (AFEBI).
The assessment was attended by Prof. Dr. Ratri Wahyuningtyas, S.T., M.M., as the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Telkom University, as well as two assessors on duty, namely Prof. Drs. Bambang Agus Pramuka, MA, Ph.D., Ak, CA, CRMP from Universitas Jenderal Soedirman and Abdul Ghofar, DBA, Ak, CA, CPMA from Universitas Brawijaya. It is expected that the results of this accreditation process can have a positive impact and significant benefits for Telkom University.