Telkom University Establishes Collaboration with Sariraya CO., Ltd. Japan, student apprentices to Japan and MSMEs go global
Telkom University and Sariraya CO., Ltd. committed to establishing cooperation that has been ratified in the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding). The implementation of the MoU is stated directly in the MoA (Memorandum of Agreement) with the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FTE). Sariraya CO., Ltd., a pioneer of halal food companies in Japan, put forward the mission to continue contributing to Indonesian Education and the progress of Indonesian MSMEs through the values of Telkom University. The signing of this collaboration was carried out simultaneously with the visit of Sariraya CO., Ltd. to Telkom University to carry out a series of activities, including Public Lectures and Business Matching with various MSMEs.
The public lecture was held in the Hall of Lt. 5 FEB on Wednesday, 3 May 2023, which was presented by the President Director of Sariraya CO., Ltd., namely Teguh Wahyudi, with the topic Global Entrepreneur: Opportunities and Challenges, Sharing Experience from The Owner of Sariraya – Pioneer INDONESIAN Halal Food Company in JAPAN. The public lecture was attended by more than 400 students from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, Bachelor of Telecommunications & Informatics Business Management, Bachelor of Recreation Business Management, Masters of Management, and Masters of Management (PJJ).
After the public lecture, representatives of Sariraya CO., Ltd. and Telkom University leadership representatives headed to the Bangkit Building (Rectorate) to carry out the process of signing the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) and MoA (Memorandum of Agreement) with FEB (Faculty of Economics and Business) and FTE (Faculty of Electrical Engineering). This activity includes an introduction to Telkom University and Sariraya CO., Ltd. profiles, along with remarks from the Chancellor of Telkom University, namely Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya, S.Si., M.Sc. The Chancellor hopes that with this collaboration, Sariraya can provide tips and guidance to students and MSMEs in Indonesia to increase their entrepreneurial skills and the potential for product exports to Japan and vice versa. The remarks were continued by the President Director and Owner of Sariraya CO. Ltd., namely Teguh Wahyudi and Komang Iriani Riyanto, who emphasized that one of the things that needed to be improved in the export of food products was Quality Control. Prof. Ir Yusli Wardiatno, M.Sc. P.hD., Atdikbud of the Indonesian Embassy, Tokyo, Japan, also attended this activity via Zoom Online Meeting to give remarks and congratulations on the collaboration between Telkom University and Sariraya CO., Ltd., accompanied by the hope that Telkom University can assist in providing Distance Education (PJJ) system services for Indonesian citizens, especially in Japan. Representative of Indonesia Japan Business Network (IJB-Net), Dr. Suyoto Rais, presented internship opportunities for Indonesian students in 2000 companies in Japan.
The next activity was Business Matching with UMKM and Sariraya CO., Ltd., held in the Hall Lt. 5 FEB Telkom University. Bank Indonesia supports this and is an international community service activity at the Faculty of Economics and Business Telkom University. Attended by 35 MSMEs, the Business Matching activity was guided by the President, Director, and Owner of Sariraya CO. Ltd. by presenting material regarding the opportunity to export products to Japan through Sariraya and visiting the UMKM booth to discuss their products.