Socialization of Fulfillment of PKB Obligations in the Digital Era

Socialization of Fulfillment of PKB Obligations in the Digital Era

The number of motor vehicle owners who do not pay taxes causes losses to the state and will certainly hamper the development of the region. Therefore, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Telkom University tries to assist the Government in socializing the Motor Vehicle Tax in the form of community service.

This community service was carried out by Willy Sri Yuliandhari, SE, MM, Ak, Ph.D. as chairman with two members, Ardan Gani Asalam, SE, M.Ak, BKP and Harrys Sudarmadji, SE. This Abdimas was carried out on December 30, 2024 at PKBM Bina Terampil Mandiri (BTM) Kertawangi Village, Cisarua District, West Bandung Regency.

The target community is people who own motorized vehicles both 2-wheeled and 4-wheeled registered in West Java Province. The number of target communities who attended was 28 people who were enthusiastic about knowing the socialization of Motor Vehicle Taxes.

This socialization is expected to provide additional knowledge to the public that motor vehicle tax is an obligation that must be carried out by vehicle owners. The community is expected to know that every tax they pay will be used for the development of their region, the ultimate goal of which is for the welfare of the community.

The public is also encouraged to make motor vehicle tax payments to avoid sanctions that will burden vehicle owners due to late tax payments. The implementation of this activity received a positive response from the target community, with 80.4% strongly agreeing and 19.6% agreeing with the implementation of this community service.