SEB, Abdimas is one of the three elements of tridharma of higher education that is continuously. The School of Economics and Business (SEB), on Friday, September 6, 2019, held Community Service activities /Pengabdian Masyarakat in Kampung Lebak Siuh – Ciburial Dago Bandung. Kampung Lebak Siuh is relatively easy to reach, it is surrounded by lush trees and the air is very fresh. The existence of tofu factory and some livestock, as well as plantations, are advantages that can be felt when visiting this village.
In this Abdimas activity, SEB shared information about how to plan the stages of Kampung Lebak Siuh towards the Tourism Village. Three subjects of discussion are included; Business Canvas Model presented by Elvira Azis, crafting financial statements presented by Dr. Majidah and Muhamad Muslih and the making of a website by Dr. Adhi Prasetio.
“Having a website is important things to do, so people can access information about the strengths of Kampung Lebak Siuh , people will access the information of this village,” said Adhi Prasetio – one of the presenters for making a website. Meanwhile, at the same time Dodie Tricahyono – Dean of SEB conveyed to Mr. Allan Nur Ichsan Rahman as Chairperson of the Mathla’ul Furqon Foundation that SEB was ready to provide assistance to Kampung Lebak Siuh in mapping its potential of the Kampung itself, crafting the Financial statement and giving full access to enriching content website that has been designed for Kampung Lebak Siuh.
Allan said that in the future, he hoped that Telkom University through SEB held similar activities in Kampung Lebak Siuh so that the community could be helped by the applied sciences from the experts, and Kampung Lebak Siuh was very willing to become a laboratory of academics to practice their knowledge. “There are still a lot of potentials that have not been maximized, which of course if maximized will help build the economy of the people of Kampung Lebak Siuh, yes the end is for our community welfare,” concluded Allan.