Improving the Economic Independence of Pesantren through Waste Bank
The problem of waste is currently a big concern for the people of Bandung, and boarding schools are no exception. The pesantren also contributed more than 33.6 kg of organic waste with 41% being wasted. In dealing with this condition, waste bank management is one of the efforts that can be done as a solution to the waste problem, and also an effort to increase the economic independence of the boarding school.
The initiation of this community service activity was carried out by the Abdimas FEB Tel-U Team because they saw the potential for waste management which could also be an effort to increase the independence of pesantren. Hopefully, this can help the pesantren get out of the waste problem which is currently an obstacle not only in the pesantren but also in the Bandung area as a whole.
The community service activities carried out consist of lecturers and students of the Accounting program, Faculty of Economics and Business Telkom University, namely Mrs. Hilda, S.E., M.Si., Ak, CA, CPA as the head of abdimas, Mrs. Tri Utami Lestari S.E., M.Ak, and Mrs. Ruri Octari Dinata, S.E., M.S.A as abdimas members. Apart from lecturers, this community service activity also involved students including Anbiya Abdul Ghani, Pascalis Gratio Vento Theonatan, and Dina Amalia. This activity also invited Mrs. Tri Widarmanti, S.M.B., M.M. as a resource person who has practical experience in waste management in the Telkom University environment.
The pesantren also expressed their enthusiasm and hopes for community service activities that are expected to be sustained in the future. They also hope that Telkom University can also continue to help assist the management of waste banks so that pesantren can minimize this waste problem and can increase economic independence through waste bank management.