Entrepreneurship & Digital Marketing Training at Warung Jati
Entrepreneurship & Digital Marketing Training for Traders & Market Managers at Warung Jati
Cikole Wetan
With the presence of the modern market, the traditional market which is a representative place in developing the people’s economy, is being threatened. This is inseparable from problems such as a shabby and dirty market atmosphere, limited market layout, limited market operating hours, untidy packaging methods, human resource capabilities, etc. In addition, due to the lack of knowledge of traders about the concept of a clean and healthy market, training is needed that can help traders to be able to improve their competitive abilities in the face of the rapid growth of the modern market, especially in the fields of entrepreneurship and marketing.
This is the reason for Telkom University in collaboration with ASPARINDO (Indonesian Market Management Association) to again organize Community Service activities at the Warung Jati Cikole Wetan traditional market online to foster and provide training for local market traders and managers. This Community Service Event was held on July 12, 2021 online, as part of the adaptation of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia Regulation Number 21 of 2020 concerning Large-Scale Social Restrictions in the Context of Accelerating the Handling of COVID-19. The use of online media as a meeting facility was the first activity carried out as a form of adaptation to the PSBB policy, and so far the use of online media has provided a new experience for participants to maximize work routines. Overall, both traders and market managers received this event very well and enthusiastically, and felt great benefit from this event. The traders and managers seemed to give a positive response during the training and asked various questions regarding the training material. The team was chaired by Mediany Kriseka Putri, S. KG., MBA with
consisting of Ir Candiwan, MM and Grisna Anggadwita, MSM.
This event is also targeted to be carried out by targeting other traditional markets in Bandung, as a form of Telkom University dedication to serve the community. Further activities are planned, if possible in terms of time and opportunity, this program will be continued, by first conducting several surveys and observations to see the potential for further development.
Video link of the activity can be seen at: here