Digital Marketing for Restaurant Owners in Kertawangi

The community service was held on July 5, 2022 at the PKBM Bina Terampil Mandiri, Kertawangi Village, Cisarua District, West Bandung Regency, chaired by Puspita Wulansari, SP., M.M., Ph.D along with Willy Sri Yuliandhari, SE., MM., Ak., Ph. .D as a member. Community Service this time targeting restaurant entrepreneurs and local products in the Kertawangi Village area is carried out online.
The purpose of this community service is to follow up on the previous material, namely digital marketing for restaurants and local products in Kertawangi Village as a tourist village, where the target community is expected to make digital marketing on social media to be able to market their products more broadly, not only targeting the public tourists only.