Bachelor in MBTI

Website S1 MBTI

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7 - 8 Semester


Ratih Hendayani, S.T., M.M., Ph.D
Ketua Program Studi S1 Manajemen Bisnis Telekomunikasi Informatika
Dr. Fajra Octrina, S.E., M.M.
Sekretaris Program Studi S1 Manajemen
Dr. Putri Fariska Sugestie, S.Si., M.Si.
Sekretaris Program Studi Int'l ICT Business


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The Bachelor level Study Program (S1) Management in Business of Technology and Information (MBTI) Faculty of Economics and Business, Telkom University has always been committed to achieving educational services in accordance with the vision and mission.

MBTI is one of the best study programs at Telkom University with many achievements. Always seeking creativity and innovation in organizational development, human resources and curriculum to meet industry and stakeholder needs.

Study programs are always developing progressively and in collaboration with other public and private universities in Indonesia and abroad, the industrial world and government, both in the fields of teaching, research and community service. The MBTI program is also very committed in the form of a professional undergraduate character. To achieve this, the curriculum refers to the KKNI (National Competency Standards Framework) and always carries out regular reviews to update with the dynamics of the business world. The study program is also supported by competent faculties in their fields with a minimum Master’s degree holder.