Training on Job Planning Analysis for Vegetable Farmers in Kertawangi Village
The community service which was held on June 26, 2023 at PKBM Bina Terampil Mandiri Kertawangi Village, Cisarua District, West Bandung Regency was chaired by Puspita Wulansari, SP., M.M., Ph.D along with Willy Sri Yuliandhari, SE., MM., Ak., Ph.D as members. This community service targets vegetable farmers in the Kertawangi Village area. The purpose of […]
Break Even Point Calculation for Sales Levels of Vegetable Farmers in Kertawangi Village
Community service carried out by Willy Sri Yuliandhari, SE, MM, Ak, Ph.D as chairman and two members, Puspita Wulansari, SP, M.M., Ph.D and Ardan Gani Asalam, SE, M.Ak, BKP on June 26, 2023 at PKBM Bina Terampil Mandiri (BTM) Kertawangi Village, Cisarua District, West Bandung Regency this time targeting vegetable farmers in the Kertawangi Village […]
Differential Cost Analysis for MSEs in Cimahi Region
One of the most important things to make SMEs compete in a more competitive way is the price level of the product. The determination of COGS that will be the basis for determining the selling price can actually be determined from the start. he determination is based on the choice of decision-making alternatives. Errors in […]
“Advance Technology” Laboratory Towards Technological Innovation at Telkom University
May 17, 2023 became a milestone for Telkom University with the inauguration of their newest laboratory named “Advance Technology for Management”. This laboratory is the result of a PKKM DIKTI grant obtained by the S-1 Telecommunications and Iinformatics Business Management (MBTI) study program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Telkom University. Providing state-of-the-art and complete facilities, […]
Telkom University Establishes Collaboration with Sariraya CO., Ltd. Japan, student apprentices to Japan and MSMEs go global
Telkom University and Sariraya CO., Ltd. committed to establishing cooperation that has been ratified in the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding). The implementation of the MoU is stated directly in the MoA (Memorandum of Agreement) with the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FTE). Sariraya CO., Ltd., a pioneer of […]