Broadcasting Training for Jakarta Telkom School’s Teachers
Teaching Competence of Middle Level Teachers Through Broadcasting Training is the theme chosen to carry out Community Service (Abdimas) activities this time. in collaboration with SMK Telkom Jakarta which is a partner to conduct training for middle-level teachers in improving teaching competence through broadcasting skills. This Abdimas activity was carried out by lecturers of the Telecommunication and Informatics Business Management Study Program (MBTI) of the Faculty of Economics and Business, namely Dr. Fetty Poerwita Sary, Dr. Maria Sugiat, and Dr. Nidya Dudija.
In this era of increasingly sophisticated technological disruption, lesson teachers must have the ability in the field of learning technology. In addition, the condition of the Covid-19 pandemic has also forced all parties to be able to adapt to a situation called the New Normal. health protocols echoed by the government, one of which is to keep a distance and avoid. Thus, the implementation of the current teaching and learning process, inevitably has to adapt to these conditions. Teachers continue to be innovative in making the learning process fun for students and not burdening parents who have to work but still have to guide their children to study at home. The current condition, the teachers praised for maximizing the method and method of delivery to their students, one of them by using broadcasting.
Teaching by utilizing broadcasting knowledge will be very beneficial for teachers. The definition of broadcast itself is a process of sending signals to various locations simultaneously either via satellite, radio, television, data communication on the network and so on, and can be a server-to-client service which is defined to spread data to several clients at once in parallel with access. which is quite fast from a video or audio source. For example, a content teacher creates creative videos or audio as teaching materials, then the teacher can broadcast the video or audio so that students can watch and listen at the same time. Of course, certain skills are needed to be able to implement broadcasting skills into teaching.
In this Broadcasting Training, with Dr. Maria Sugiat moderated by Dr. Fetty Poerwita Sary, the participants will learn about the introduction of broadcasting, the introduction of tools, processes and programs, public speaking, simulations, and ethics in broadcasting, where these materials can help teachers improve their knowledge of teaching methods that apply broadcasting skills in their classrooms. teach.
The targeting training was held on Wednesday, June 9, 2021 at 13.00-15.00 WIB, which was attended by approximately 52 participants. This activity was opened by representatives of SMK Telkom Jakarta, Mrs. Nurul Hadini and also representatives from FEB, Dr. Nidya Dudija. The participants who take part in this activity will get facilities in the form of E-Certificate, Credit, and Materials.