Talkshow Blood Donation with Financial Services Authority
Monday, October 24, 2022 in commemoration of the Financial Inclusion Month (BIK) 2022, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) together with the Faculty of Economics and Business held a talk show entitled "Investment in the Capital Market for the Zillennial Generation" by presenting speakers including Febriyanti Dimaelita Siagian, S.E., Ak., M.Acc., CA. (Capital Market Supervisor of [...]
FEB Telkom University Top 100 B Schools From Asia 2022
Asia Business Outlook Magazine merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak pada bidang media atau berita untuk memasuki perusahaan atau organisasi Asia dan memberi gambaran yang paling kredibel dan komprehensif tentang lingkungan bisnis dari perspektif inovator & pengganggu di wilayah ini. Asia Business Outlook menampilkan produk, solusi & konsep kepada audiens yang berfokus pada industri yang ingin berinvestasi [...]
Proud! SEB lecturer wins Emerald Literati Awards 2022
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management (JSTPM) is a service providing a platform for academic researchers, professionals, practitioners and students to discuss the role of science and technology in a knowledge-based economy. August 31, 2022 a team of lecturers from the Faculty of Economics and Business consisting of Dr. Palti Maruli Tua Sitorus, S.Si., [...]
FEB wins Tel-U Cup 2022
Tel-U Cup is a series of events to celebrate Telkom University's 32nd Anniversary in 2022. In this Tel-U Cup 2022 activity, there are 32 activities, namely 18 fields of Sports, 9 fields of Taste, 4 fields of Arts, 1 field of Ratio. Where this is intended to strengthen the culture of Harmony Excellence Integrity throughout [...]
[Abdimas] Children’s Financial Literacy through Gamification
Monday, 8th August 2022. Telkom University lecturers collaborated with IKIP Siliwangi to hold Community Service (PkM) activities for PAUD teachers in the Cimahi area, by providing socialization on the importance of financial literacy from an early age. Head of PkM who is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business at Telkom University, [...]