![[Abdimas] Children’s Financial Literacy through Gamification [Abdimas] Children’s Financial Literacy through Gamification](https://b558830.smushcdn.com/558830/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/IMG_7931-1.jpg?lossy=1&strip=1&webp=1)
[Abdimas] Children’s Financial Literacy through Gamification

Monday, 8th August 2022. Telkom University lecturers collaborated with IKIP Siliwangi to hold Community Service (PkM) activities for PAUD teachers in the Cimahi area, by providing socialization on the importance of financial literacy from an early age.
Head of PkM who is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business at Telkom University, Aldilla Iradianty said “early children can be introduced to financial literacy, with easy things around them, such as the concept of money, saving, alms, and of course shopping for children’s favorite things. ” Financial literacy is the knowledge and skills of the community that are able to provide confidence regarding financial institutions and their various products.
The Lecturer Team from the Faculty of Applied Sciences at Telkom University, Bayu Rima Aditya also added that to introduce the concept of financial literacy, one must use children’s favorite media, one of which is gamification, our team’s community service output is in the form of Android-based games that can help teachers and parents introduce finance. , people can download it for free by typing the title Literasi keuangan Anak https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.test.literasi_keuangan_anakn
Penulis: Aldilla Iradianty
Dosen dan Peneliti Telkom University