Budgeting Training for Sugihmukti Tourism Village PromotionPenyusunan Anggaran untuk Promosi Desa Wisata Sugihmukti
On Tuesday, 30 July 2024, from 08.30-12.30, in Sugihmukti Village, Pasir Jambu District, West Bandung Regency, community service activities were held in Sugihmukti village, with 11 participants who were actors and managers of tourist villages in Sugihmukti Village. The potential of Sugihmukti Tourism Village can be seen from the tourism potential that the village can offer. Based on the village’s Instagram social media, some of the tourism potentials in the village are forests with nature and rich bird species, Leuweung (forest) guards, Pencak Silat, Sisingaan, Uget sheep, Bedug art, tracking and coffee, and strawberry plantations.
Community Service conducted by a team of lecturers from the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Telkom University involving several students aims to provide training and understanding of budgeting for the promotion of tourist villages,
related to how to prepare a budget to determine the selling price of each tour package, determine costs, and identify costs. This need was obtained by analyzing the problems faced during the pre-survey by Dr. Nora Amelda Rizal and students from the Faculty of Economics and Business, where the problems related to the promotion of this tourist village are that the tourism village actors have not been able to determine the cost for each tour package owned, do not know how to calculate profit sharing, have not done good bookkeeping, and do not understand making business agreements.
This community service event began with presenting material related to preparing a promotional budget at 09.00 WIB, which 11 participants attended. The event was opened by Telkom University and welcomed by the Sugihmukti Village Secretary, followed by the presentation of material by Dr. Dini Wahjoe Hapsari with assistance from Dr. Nora Amelda Rizal and Dr. Hosam Alden Riyadh. The presentation of the material provided was about the financing budget, then explained the definition of operational costs and investment costs, as well as the importance of promotion and how to do promotion, calculate the net profit of the Tour Package, and determine the profit sharing of the Tour Package.
To ensure satisfaction with the community service that has been carried out by our group in Sugihmukti Village on 30 July 2024, a survey has been conducted regarding the level of satisfaction of participants with the community service event held. The overall satisfaction level of tourism actors, who agree more than 90% on the material’s content and the implementation of activities, gives confidence that the material presented is under the needs of the participants. In addition, the same thing is also shown by the results of 100% strongly agreeing to continue this material, indicating that the participants want this material to continue in the future.