Digital Marketing Strategy for Beginners

Digital Marketing Strategy for Beginners

Digital Marketing Strategy for Beginners: A Practical Guide from Telkom University’s Faculty of Economics and Business

Digital marketing is now an essential element in contemporary business strategies. In an increasingly digitally-connected era, understanding the basics of digital marketing is critical to success for both large corporations and start-ups. This article aims to provide practical guidance on digital marketing strategies for beginners, focusing on the contribution of Telkom University’s Faculty of Economics and Business in preparing students with the necessary knowledge and skills.


Why is Digital Marketing So Important?

  1. Access to a Broader Market

  • Global Reach: Digital marketing gives businesses the opportunity to reach out to a worldwide audience without any geographical restrictions. This opens up opportunities to expand the market further compared to traditional marketing methods.
  • Cost Effective: When compared to conventional marketing mediums, digital marketing is often more economical, thus enabling small and medium-sized businesses to compete in a competitive market.
  1. Direct Interaction with Consumers

  • Customer Engagement: Digital platforms allow for direct interaction with consumers through social media, email, and other platforms. This contributes to the establishment of stronger and more personalized relationships with customers.
  • Data Analytics: Digital marketing enables real-time data collection on consumer behavior. This allows businesses to adjust their strategies based on existing data and trends.

Steps to Start Digital Marketing

  1. Define the Target Audience

  • Market Research: Understanding who your audience is is the first step in designing an effective digital marketing strategy. Market research can help you identify the demographics, interests, and needs of your target audience.
  • Message Personalization: After identifying the target audience, the next step is to customize the marketing message to suit their needs and preferences.
  1. Choose the Right Platform

  • Social Media: Platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn have proven to be effective in building brand awareness and engaging with customers. Choose the platform that best suits your targeted audience.
  • SEO and Content: Building a website with search engine optimized (SEO) content will help your business appear in search results and increase visibility.
  1. Develop Engaging Content

  • Visual Content: The use of visual elements such as images, videos, and infographics can increase user engagement and make your content more interesting.
  • Blogging: Writing blogs regularly on topics relevant to your industry can capture your audience’s attention and increase your business credibility.
  1. Monitor and Evaluate Performance

  • Google Analytics: Tools like Google Analytics serve to monitor website traffic, traffic sources, and user behavior. This is crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of your marketing campaign.
  • A/B Testing: Test different versions of a marketing campaign to determine which one is most effective. A/B testing allows you to test and refine strategies on an ongoing basis.

Telkom University’s Faculty of Economics and Business’ Role in Digital Marketing

Telkom University’s Faculty of Economics and Business is committed to preparing students to face challenges in the digital business world. With an innovative and practice-focused curriculum, students are equipped with relevant skills and knowledge in digital marketing.

  1. Digital Learning Program: This faculty presents a curriculum designed to provide in-depth insights into digital marketing, covering aspects such as SEO, marketing through social media, and data analysis. Students are trained to formulate effective digital marketing strategies by considering the latest trends and technologies.
  2. Collaboration with Industry: Through collaboration with various companies and professionals in the field, Telkom University’s Faculty of Economics and Business provides students with the opportunity to gain practical experience in managing digital marketing campaigns. These activities include internships, workshops, and case study analysis that demonstrate the application of theory in a real context.
  3. Digital Business Incubator: Telkom University also offers a business incubator facility that supports students and alumni in starting digital businesses. With guidance from experienced mentors, students can apply digital marketing strategies directly to their businesses.


Embarking on a journey in digital marketing may seem difficult for beginners, but with the right approach, you can build a significant online presence and reach a wider audience. Understanding the basics of digital marketing is essential, not only for business people, but also for students who will enter the workforce in today’s digital era. Telkom University’s Faculty of Economics and Business has a crucial role in producing competent and innovative future digital marketers. With the latest curriculum and adequate supporting facilities, Telkom University is committed to preparing a new generation that is ready to compete and innovate in the realm of digital marketing.